Dah jenguk tuh rajin2 la KLIK.. ^^

Sunday 28 September 2014

Its when we cry for other happiness

its all over now. yes, all of u were lucky to have that great rich paents that can give u anything u want then.
but as for us, we really didnt care even we wore an ugly, cheap and old dress that we bought from Tamu. its because we have that loving heart, thinking about never mind that we wore that ugly clothes as long as we have something to wear and hoping the our parents have more to spent for our younger siblings. its us. me and my cousin.
     when u walk our path u'll hoping that u wont stand there on our place, not wearing our shoes. really. u may say its a nightmare if u stay connected to us, but when we think of it. we cheer happily. we survive that moment that u blame us for wearing that torn shirt. ugly pants. old shoes.
     u might say that we have unresponsible ancestor, but u would never knew how your ancestor take our piece of land where my ancestor little piece of heart lying.
     u talk to us soft, but u heart laughing to death because of us. but now, really its all over. why?

Friday 26 September 2014

Memang sudah sangat lama

setelah berbulan-bulan membiarkan blog ini berhabuk begitu saja, akhirnya saya mengambil keputusan utk mengupdate walau satu atau dua post malam ini. Bukannya selalu kan.
     First of all, saya nak cerita serba sedikit tentang hidup baru saya. Kalau dulu saya penganggur tegar, tapi bermula bulan Ogos lalu saya sudah mula bekerja.
     Tapi dengan cerita yg agak berbelit jadi susah sikit nak jelaskan. Kalau nak buat novel pun boleh kot. Apa lagi kalau nak buat drama bersiri. Tapi takkan laku punyalah. Haha
     welll, saya rasa yang diri saya agak comel kebelakangan ini (muntah sikit plisss) kerana saya dah mula membiasakan diri utk memakai wangi-wangian sebelum tidur. So, pilihan utama saya adalah Lilan Vital.
     Memang sangat wangi so bila tidur tuh dia mempengaruhi juga mimpi saya, so asyik mimpi benda-benda cute saja. hewhew
     Nak buat review pun malas. Nanti sajalah buat.. hehe.